Spanish Irregular Verbs in the Present Participle

In Spanish, the irregular verbs in the present participle are formed if the stem of the -er or -ir verb ends in a vowel, -iendo becomes -yendo.

Subject Lessons:
Spanish Progressive Tenses
Regular Verbs in Present Participle
Irregular Verbs in Present Participle
Stem-Changing Verbs
Subject Exercises:
Present Participle Exercises

Carmen está leyendo.
Carmen is reading.

In the example above, the verb is leer, in present participle changes to leyendo.

More examples:
Carlos está construyendo un edificio.
Carlos is constructing a building.

Lina está trayendo los platos.
Lina is bringing the plates.

Present Participle Verbs that end in –yendo

Verb ending in -er or -ir-yendo endingMeaning
Atraeratrayendoto attract
Caercayendoto fall
Contraercontrayendoto contract
Construirconstruyendoto build
Contribuircontribuyendoto contribute
Creercreyendoto believe
Huirhuyendoto flee
Influirinfluyendoto influence
Oíroyendoto hear

The verb ir (to go) in the irregular present participle changes to yendo and the verb poder (to be able) changes to pudiendo.

Isabel está yendo a la universidad tres días a la semana.
Isabel is going to school three days a week.

No pudiendo contenerme más, salí corriendo de la casa.
Unable to contain myself any longer, I ran out of the house.

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