Telling the Date in Spanish

In Spanish when stating the date, el primero (which is an ordinal number) is used for every first day of every month. For all other dates, the cardinal numbers are used.

¿Cuál es la fecha? / What is the date?
Es el primero de agosto. / It is August first.

¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
/ What is the date today?
Es el nueve de febrero. / It is February nine.

Note: Unlike in English where the month is written before the date, in Spanish, the format is day, month and year.

Hoy es martes, treinta de mayo, de dos mil dieciséis.
Today is Tuesday, May 30, 2016.

  • When stating the year, in Spanish, thousand and hundreds are used.

Es el año mil novecientos ochenta y nueve. / It is the year of 1989.
Mil (one thousand) novecientos (nine hundred) ochenta y nueve (eighty nine)

Es el año dos mil veintiuno. / It’s the year 2021.
Dos mil (two thousand) veintiuno (twenty-one)

Also See Telling the Time in Spanish.

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