Spanish Verbs with A / Con / De

See the three lists of commonly used verbs with Spanish A / CON / DE.

Verbs with Preposition ‘A’

Verb + aMeaning
Acercarse aTo approach, come close to
Acostumbrarse aTo get used to
Aprender aTo learn to
Asistir aTo attend
Comenzar aTo start to
Cuidar aTo take care of
Correr aTo run to
Decidirse aTo decide to
Dirigirse aTo go toward, address
Empezar aTo begin to
Invitar aTo invite to
Ir aTo go to
Llegar aTo arrive to/at, to succeed in
Oponerse aTo oppose, be oppose to
Parecerse a To look like
Querer a To love
Regresar aTo go back to, to return to
Salir aTo go out to
Volver aTo return to (something, place), to do (something) again
preposition ‘a’ verbs

Verbs with Preposition ‘Con’

Verb + conMeaning
Acabar conTo finish, to put an end to
Amenazar conTo threaten with
Comenzar conTo begin with
Casarse conTo marry
Contar conTo count with, to rely on
Soñar conTo dream of/about
preposition ‘con’ verbs

Verbs with Preposition ‘De’

Verb + deMeaning
Acabar deTo have just
Acordarse deTo remember to
Alegrarse deTo be happy/glad about
Arrepentirse deTo regret
Dejar deTo stop
Encargarse deTo take charge of
Olvidarse deTo forget to
Preocuparse deTo be concerned about
Terminar deTo stop, to finish
prepositions ‘de’ verbs
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