Verbs with Spelling Changes in the Preterit

Some verbs in the preterit (el pretérito) have spelling changes. These changes only apply to the Yo (I) form of the personal pronouns.

  • Verbs that end in -car change the c to que
    Buscar = Busqué
    Yo busqué las llaves.
    I looked for the keys.
  • Verbs that end in -gar change the g to gue
    Apagar = Apagué
    Yo apagué las luces.
    I turned off the lights.
  • Verbs that end in -zar change the z to ce
    Tropezar = Trope
    Mientras caminaba tropecé con una piedra.
    While walking I tripped on a stone.

Verbs with Spelling Changes in the Preterit Table

Some Verbs ending in -carSpelling ChangesMeaning
ChocarChoquéto crash
ColocarColoqué to place
ExplicarExpliquéto explain
PescarPesquéto fish
PracticarPractiquéto practice
SacarSaquéto take out
TocarToquéto touch or to play (music or
a musical instrument.
Some Verbs ending in -garSpelling ChangesMeaning
AgregarAgreguéto add
CargarCarguéto load
CastigarCastiguéto punish
EntregarEntreguéto hand over
JugarJuguéto play
LlegarLleguéto arrive
PagarPaguéto pay
Some Verbs ending in -zarSpelling ChangesMeaning
AbrazarAbrato hug
AlcanzarAlcanto reach
AlmorzarAlmorto eat, have lunch
CruzarCruto cross
EmpezarEmpeto begin
LanzarLanto throw

More Examples:

Castigué a mi sobrina por comer demasiados chocolates.
I punished my niece for eating too many chocolates.

Almorcé con mis amigos.
I had lunch with my friends.

Yo toqué el piano en la boda.
I played the piano at the wedding.

Other Verbs with Spelling Changes in the Preterit Tense

  • Some verbs like, caer, huir, leer change the i to y; only in the third person of the singular and plural forms.
PronounCaer (to fall)Huir (to flee)Leer (to read)Oír (to hear)Construir (to build)


Richard distribuyó los boletos.
Richard distributed the tickets.

Martha y Joshua leyeron el periódico escolar.
Martha and Joshua read the school newspaper.

Todas oímos el timbre.
We all heard the doorbell.

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