Personal Pronouns Spanish

Personal Pronouns in Spanish (Los Pronombres Personales en Español) are words that usually refer to people, animals or objects. Just like in English, they take the place of the nouns. According to their function and the role they play in a sentence, the pronouns can be subject, object, direct or indirect pronouns. In Spanish, the verb endings usually identify the subject but in many situations it is necessary to include the subject pronouns. See Personal Pronouns Exercises.

Personal Pronouns Spanish Table

estudias matemáticas.
Ustedestudia matemáticas.
Élestudia matemáticas.
Ellaestudia matemáticas.
Nosotrosestudiamos matemáticas.
Vosotrosestudiáis matemáticas.
Ustedesestudian matemáticas.
Ellosestudian matemáticas.
Personal Pronouns Spanish Table

Singular Subject Pronouns in Spanish

Yo / IYo hablo español.
Tú / You (familiar)Tú hablas español.
Usted / You (polite)Usted habla español.
Él / He (It- for objects and animals)Él habla español.
Ella / She (It- for objects and animals)Ella habla español.
Singular Subject Pronouns

Plural Subject Pronouns in Spanish

Nosotros (nosotras) / WeNosotros (nosotras) hablamos español
Vosotros (vosotras) / You (fam.)Vosotros (vosotras) habláis español
Ustedes / You (polite)Ustedes hablan español
Ellos / TheyEllos hablan español
Ellas / TheyEllas hablan español
Plural Subject Pronouns

In Spanish, the subject pronouns are not used all the time because the verb endings identify the subject in most situations. Unlike, in English the subject pronouns are necessary at all times.

Singular Pronouns– Verb VenirPlural Pronouns – Verb Venir
Yo vengoNosotros/Nosotras venimos
vienesVosotros/Vosotras venís
Usted vieneUstedes vienen
Él vieneEllos vienen
Ella vieneEllas vienen

Ellos comen
pizza todos los domingos.
They eat pizza every Sunday.
In the example above, the subject pronoun is added in the sentence.

¿A qué hora vienes?
What time are you coming?
In the example above, the -es of the form vienes belongs to the personal pronoun .

Tengo un bolso azul y uno rojo.
I have a blue and a red purse.
In the example above, the subject pronoun is not used but the ending of the verb clarifies that the sentence refers to the 1st person of the singular.

Tu / Vosotros / Usted / Ellos

  • In Spanish, the pronoun ‘Tú’ is used for friends, family, coworkers, pets or anyone you would treat with familiarity.
  • ‘Vosotros’ is used in the same situations as ‘Tú’ but in the plural form.
  • ‘Usted’ is used to show respect (mostly in Hispanic and Latin American countries) when talking to a formal person/group of people, for example an elderly, boss, parents, strangers, etc.
  • ‘Ellos’ is used in masculine nouns and when masculine and feminine nouns are mixed.
    • Chicas y chico(s) – Ellos
  • Also, in Spanish, there is no equivalent of the word ‘It’ for animals, instead, the pronoun ‘Él’ and ‘Ella’ are used.
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