Spanish Possessive Adjectives

The possessive adjectives in Spanish (los adjetivos posesivos en español) have two forms, short and long forms. Both forms must agree in gender and in number with the items, ideas, etc.

Short Forms of Possessive Adjectives Table

PronounShort FormMeaning
Yomi, mismy
tu, tusyour (sing.)
Él, ella,, sushis, her, your (sing.) its
Nosotros, nosotrasnuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestrasour
Vosotros, Vosotrasvuestro, vuestros, vuestra, vuestrasyour (pl. Spain)
Ellos, ellas, uds,su, sustheir (masc. fem.) your (pl.)
  • The short forms of adjetivos posesivos are placed before the noun they modify
  • The short forms of adjectivos posesivos su, sus mean his, her, its, your or their. The context of the sentence will determine the person, item, idea the pronoun refers to.


Esos son tus zapatos.
Those are your shoes.

Nuestra casa es muy pequeña.
Our house is very small.

Thomas trae a su hermana a la fiesta.
Thomas brings his sister to the party.

Vuestros libros están en la mesa.
Your books are on the table.

Long Forms of Possessive Adjectives Table

PronounLong FormMeaning
Yomío, míos, mía, míasmine
tuyo, tuyos, tuya, tuyasyours (sing.)
Él, ella, ud.suyo, suyos, suya, suyashis, hers, yours (sing.)
Nosotros, nosotrasnuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestrasours
Vosotros, vosotrasvuestro, vuestros, vuestra, vuestrasyours (pl. Spain)
Ellos, ellas, uds.suyo, suyos, suya, suyastheirs, yours (pl.)
  • The long forms of adjetivos posesivos are placed after the noun they modify.
  • The forms mío, mía, míos, mías have accent marks.


Las camisas azules son tuyas.
The blue shirts are yours.

El auto rojo es el mío.
The red car is mine.

Encontré unas gafas tuyas en mi casa.
I found some sunglasses of yours in my house.

  • In some cases the possessive adjectives su, sus, la suya, suya, los suyos, suyo may not give enough information to determine the possessor, in that case, the noun de + the personal pronoun Él, ella, ud., ellos, ellas or Uds. will be used to clarify the message.


¿Es esta pintura tuya? No, es de ella.
Is this painting yours? No, it’s hers.

Su mamá está enferma. ¿La de él o la de ella?
Her mom is sick. His or hers?

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