Hay / No Hay

In Spanish, there is / there are (hay en español) is used to indicate that something exists. Unlike in English,  hay is used for both singular and plural sentences in the present tense.

Usage of Hay in Spanish

Hay in Singular

Hay un libro sobre la mesa.
There is a book on the table.

Hay un centro comercial nuevo.
There is a new mall.

Hay una mesera nueva.
There is a new waitress.

Hay in Plural

Hay muchos carros en la calle.
There are many cars in the street.

Hay dos manzanas en el refrigerador.
There are two apples in the refrigerator.

Hay tres cuartos en mi casa.
There are three bedrooms in my house.

  • There is not / there are not in Spanish examples:

No hay comida.
There is no food.

No hay estudiantes en la escuela.
There are no
students at school.

No hay camisas de mi talla.
There are no shirts of my size.

Hay in Spanish Conjugation Table

Simple PresentSimple PastSimple FuturePerfectPerfect Past
SingularHayHabíaHabráHa habido Había habido
PluralHayHabíanHabránHan habidoHabían habido

No había agua en la botella.
There was no water in the bottle.

Han habido muchas tormentas.
There have been many storms.

¿Habrá pizza en la fiesta?
Will there be pizza at the party?

See using Hay / No Hay exercise 1

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